Sunday, June 20, 2010

Father's Day Orphan Update

Hey guys! How is it going!? Today hasn't been too bad. II been watching videos on and eating snacks. Taking it easy. I also got a few friends I can text or call if I want.

I just wanted to remind you to take it easy today. I want a Happy Meal but I refuse to leave my house.

I may make some bracelets etc.

So yeah just take it easy. Its half way through. Listen to some music, take a nap, watch a movie and improve you positive bitching. Make a list of good things going on in your life.

1. Its nice outside. (I like rain more)

2. I got snacks

3. I got music

4. I got friends to text or call

5. Its hot out but I can run around in my underwear!

Remember there are hundreds of other people in the world that don't have dads. Why should we all pout?

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